- 黑粉菌素B Ustilagic Acid; Ustizeain B
- 黑粉菌素B,黑粉菌酸 Ustilagic Acid; Ustizeain B
- 黑粉菌素A ustilaginoidin A
- 小麦网腥黑粉菌冬孢子总DNA提取方法比较 Comparison of Isolation Method of Total DNA of Tilletia caries Teliospores
- 小麦光腥黑粉菌冬孢子总DNA提取方法比较 Comparison of three genomic DNA extraction methods from dormant teliospores of Tilletia foetida
- 黑粉菌素 ustizeanin
- 进境小麦中沙地牧草腥黑粉菌Tilletia ehrhartae的鉴定 Identifidation of Tilletia ehrhartae from Imported Australian Wheat
- 腥黑粉菌属3种检疫性真菌rDNA-IGS区的扩增及其序列分析 Amplification and sequence analysis of the rDNA intergenic spacer(rDNA-IGS) from three Tilletia species
- 白金黑粉 platinum-black
- 黑粉毒 ustilagotoxine
- 黑粉虫 flour beetle
- 石黑粉 Graphite powder
- [生化]链黑菌素 streptonigrin
- 黑粉孢子 smut spore
- “黑粉” "black powder"
- 放线菌素粉针剂 Cosmegen<抗肿瘤药>
- 铸造用黑粉料 blacking
- 深黑菌素 aterrimin
- 真菌一科其特性是释放黑粉 a fungus family of loose smuts.
- 复方多粘菌素粉 Polysporin Powder(含多粘菌素B、杆菌肽锌)<局部抗菌药>