- 鸭IFN-α真核表达质粒 duck IFN-α eukaryon expression plasmid
- 鸭α-干扰素真核表达质粒 duck interferon-α eukaryotic expression plasmid
- 重组人BMP-7真核表达质粒的构建及转染软骨细胞后的表达 Construction of eucaryotic expression plasmid carrying the recombined human BMP-7 gene and its expression in chondrocytes
- 真核表达质粒 eukaryotic expression plasmid
- IL-15真核表达质粒的构建及对乙肝疫苗诱导的体液免疫应答的影响 Cloning of two different IL-15 genes and their effect on the humoral immune response elicited by HBV vaccine
- 骨形态发生蛋白基因真核表达质粒的构建及其在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中的表达 Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Gene and Its Expression in Chinese Hamster Ovarian Cells
- 原核表达质粒 pmkaryotic expression plasmid
- 原核表达质粒pET15b-PEP-1-SOD1的构建 Construction of prokaryotic expression plasmid ET15b-PEP-1-SOD1
- 首次构建了重组ALR原核表达载体,获得了pET28a-hALR的重组表达质粒,并测序证实。 For the first time to recombine ALR procaryotic expression vector, and get the pET28a-hALR recombined expressing plasmid which was tested by sequence analysis.
- 癌胚抗原真核表达质粒的构建 Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Plasmid Encoding Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen
- 人源抗狂犬病毒单链抗体基因原核表达质粒的构建及高效表达 The construction of prokaryotic expression plasmid and high-level expression of the human single chain Fv antibody fragment gene to rabies virus
- 糖尿病的基因治疗技术:大鼠胰岛素原基因真核细胞表达质粒构建与鉴定 Gene therapy for diabetes mellitus: construction and identification of eukaryotic cell expression plasmid in rat proinsulin gene
- 球形幽门螺杆菌cagA基因原核表达质粒的构建及表达 Construction and expression of prokaryotic expression plasmid of cagA gene of coccoid Helicobacter pylori
- 嗜肺军团菌mip基因真核表达重组质粒构建与表达 Construction and Expression of Eucaryotic Recombinant Plasmid of Legionella pneumophila mip Gene
- 狂犬病毒aG株核蛋白和糖蛋白双表达质粒的构建及其在真核细胞中的表达 Construction of Recombinant Plasmid for Co-expression of Nucleoprotein and Glycoprotein of Rabies Virus aG Strain in Eukaryotic Cells
- 鼠连接蛋白43基因真核表达重组质粒的构建和鉴定 Construction and Identification of Eukaryotic Expression Recombinant Plasmid Containing Mice Connexin 43 Gene
- PTEN基因真核表达载体重组质粒的构建及序列测定 Construction and Sequence Determination of Recombinant Plasmid of PTEN Gene Fragment
- 端粒酶核酶真核表达质粒pBBS212Rz的构建与鉴定 Construction and assessment of eukaryotic expression plasmid pBBS212Rz containing ribozyme gene against hTR
- 分泌型人白细胞介素18重组质粒的构建及其真核表达 Construction of secretory human interleukin 18 plasmid and its expression in eukaryotic cells
- 方法:将含人类细胞色素P450表氧化酶CYP2J2 cDNA的真核细胞表达质粒pcDNA. 2J2经静脉注射(3mg/kg)入雄性成年自发性高血压大鼠,并以pcDNA3.1对照。 Method: Mammalian expression vector containing human cytochrome P450 epoxygenase CYP2J2 cDNA (1.5Kb), pcDNA-2J2 and pcDNA3.1 ware intravenously injected into adult spontaneously hypertensive rats, respectively, and then the blood pressure was measured twice a week using rat tail cuff sphygmomanometer until sacrifice at 3 or 4 weeks after the injection.