- 鸡法氏囊cDNA文库 chicken bursal cDNA library
- 鸡法氏囊病及其防治 Disease of Bursa of Fabricius of Fowls
- 鸡法氏囊T区生物学功能研究初报 Biological Effects of the T-cell Area of Chicken Bursa
- 鸡法氏囊提取物的组分分析及其活性测定 Components analysis and bioactivity determination of chicken bursa extracts
- MB_(43)活疫苗免疫效果及对鸡法氏囊组织损伤的研究 Effects of Inoculation with Live IBD MB_(43) Vaccine on Bursa and Immunity of Chickens
- 蚕豆全植株cDNA文库 whole plant cDNA library of Vicia faba Linn
- 酵母双杂交cDNA文库 Yeast two-hybrid cDNA library
- 鱼腥草抗病毒合剂对鸡法氏囊病的疗效及小鼠的免疫作用 Effect of Houttuynia cordata antiviral preparation on avian infectious bursal disease and the immunity for albino rat
- T7噬菌体展示cDNA文库 T7 phage display cDNA library
- 白切鸡 plain chicken
- 消减cDNA文库 subtractive cDNA library
- 宫爆鸡丁 chicken cubes in chilly sauce
- 大鼠抗感染血清筛选日本血吸虫成虫cDNA文库 Immunoscreening of Schistosoma japonicum adult worm cDNA library with sera of infected rats
- 肉仔鸡传染性法氏囊病混合感染白痢杆菌病的诊断与防治 Diagnosis and Control of Broilers Mixedly Infected with Infectious Bursal Disease and Pullorum Disease
- 巴迪氏法 Badischer process
- 而全长cDNA池(full-length cDNA pool)则是cDNA文库构建的最重要环节。 Full-length cDNA pool is the most important step in construction of cDNA library.
- 门罗氏囊 bursa intratendinea olecrani
- 外翻肠囊法 everted intestinal sac
- 老龄卢氏鸡 The old Lushi chickens
- 微型包囊法 microencapsulation