- 高能X光照相 High-energy radiography
- X光照相技术 X-ray photography
- X光照相时可以放在牙齿上的齿形X光片 a dental X-ray film that can be held in place by the teeth during radiography
- X光照相时可以放在牙齿上的齿形X光片。 a dental X-ray film that can be held in place by the teeth during radiography.
- 他们给我用X光照相检查看我的胳膊是否断了。 They X rayed my arm to see if it was broken.
- 高能X光 high-energy X-ray
- 高能X线 High-energy X-ray
- 高能X射线 high-energy x-ray
- 高能X线束 high-energy x-ray beam
- 高能X射线仪 sigmatron
- 高能X射线的硬化校正 Beam hardening correction of high energy X-rays
- 流动相 moving phase
- 相望 face each other
- 高能X射线成像 high-energy X-ray imaging
- 油水不相融。 Oil will not unite with water.
- 高能x射线成像装置 High Energy X Ray Imaging Device
- 半异相动词 semideponent verb
- 你的股金与票面价值相等。 Your shares are at par.
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。 We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 拔刀相助 draw one's sword and come to the rescue