- 高性能CCL high performance CCL
- 我想买一台高性能的35毫米相机。 I am interested in buying a sophisticated 35mm camera.
- 扶正化瘀中药复方促进CCl_4大鼠肝纤维化逆转的配伍机理研究 Mechanism Study on Combination of Chinese Herbal Formula to Support Anti-Pathogenic Ability and Dissipate Blood Stasis in Promoting Reversion of Liver Fibrosis in CCI_4 Rats
- 特种船、高性能船舶的修理、设计与制造(中方相对控股) Repairing, design and manufacture of special vessels, high-performance vessels (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)
- 高性能轿车 GT Grand Touring or Grand Touring car
- 高性能钢 high performance steel
- 高性能船 high performance ship
- 高性能化 high performance
- 高性能DSP high performance DSP
- 高性能蜡 High -powered wax
- 高性能配电房 Distribution room with high performance
- 高性能钢丝 X- ray high-strength wire
- 高性能汽车/飞机 high-performance(= very powerful)cars/aircraft
- 高性能纤维 high performance fiber
- 高性能PNP管 high performance PNP transistor
- 高性能纤雏 high performance fiber
- 高性能陶粒 high performance haydite
- 高性能溶剂 high performance solvent
- 高性能钢筋 high performance steel