- 从餐饮业的顾客满意度影响因素看餐饮业的消费趋向和营销策略 Analysis of the Consumption Tendencey and Marketing Tactics of the Food and Beverage Industry Based on the Factors Affecting the Satisfaction Degree of Customers
- 以上研究结果为顾客满意度调查在计划免疫服务领域进一步的应用提供参考。 The result provide a important reference for the use of satisfaction in the field of EPI service.
- 如果我是经理,我认为了解这个极限情况对顾客满意度而言是极其重要的。 If I were the manager, I think knowing this threshold condition would be extremely important to customer satisfaction.
- 探索顾客满意度之谜:打造零售业的丰田? Delving into the Mystery of Customer Satisfaction: A Toyota for the Retail Market?
- CSD canonic sign digit (CSD)
- 分组CSD grouped CSD
- CSD算法 CSD algorithm
- 群决策中的语言信息集结及其在顾客满意度评价中的应用 The Collection of Language Information in Group Decision and its Use in Appraising the Satisfying Degree of Customer
- CSD方程 CSD equation
- 顾客参与、感知控制与顾客满意度关系研究 A Study about the Relationship of Customer Participation, Perceived Control and Customer Satisfaction
- CFD/CSD耦合 CFD/CSD coupled method
- 他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。 He instructed me to deliver it to a customer.
- 服务业顾客满意度指数模型 Customer Satisfaction Index Model Used in Service Sectors
- 顾客满意度(CSD) customer satisfaction degree (CSD)
- 注意别对顾客无礼。 Take care not to be impolite to the customers.
- 顾客满意度和质量成本的双赢策略研究 Research on the Win-win Strategy of Clients' Satisfaction and Cost of Quality
- CFD/CSD耦合系统 CFD/CSD coupled system
- 一群顾客等着商店开门。 A flock of customers waited for the store to open.
- 时间满意度 Time Satisfaction
- 基于AHP的连锁超市顾客满意度评价指标体系的构建 Building Evaluating Index System for Customer Satisfaction Index of Chain Supermarket in View of AHP