- 面骨X线检查 X-ray of facial bones
- 面骨X线摄影[术] Radiography of facial bones
- 踝和足骨X线检查 Skeletal X-ray of ankle and foot
- 肘和前臂骨X线检查 Skeletal X-ray of elbow and forearm
- 面 side
- 在线 in-line
- 骨盆和髋部骨X线检查 Skeletal X-ray of pelvis and hip
- 佝偻病简易诊断与骨X线及实验性诊断的相关性 Relationship between simplified diagnosis, bone X-ray radiography and laboratory evaluation in infant rickets
- 面骨切除活组织检查 Excisional biopsy of facial bone
- 传统X线检查数字化和PACS技术进展与发展战略研讨会纪要 Symposium on the Progress and Strategy of Digitalization of Traditional X-Ray Examination and PACS
- 核素骨显像及骨X线片对肺癌并骨转移的临床诊断价值 Clinical diagnostic value of radionuclide bone imaging and X-ray film for bone metastasis from lung cancer
- 面骨圆锥状骨折线 LeFort 2 line
- 我需要你做血液化验、X线检查、肾功能试验和超声波检查。 I want you to have blood tests, X-rays, kidney function tests and an ultrasound examination.
- 面骨低位横行骨折线 LeFort 1 line
- 骨X线照相 bone radiography
- X线检查台 table, x-ray
- 面骨高位横行骨折线 LeFort 3 line
- 侧位颌骨X线片 lateral jaw radiograph
- 钼靶X线检查 x-ray mammography
- 莱弗特2线,面骨圆锥状骨折线 LeFort 2 line