- 面向Agent统一建模语言 AUML
- Unified Process和统一建模语言都是基于用例驱动的软件工程流程。 Unified Process and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) are all software engineering processes which based on uses-case driven approach.
- 面向对象的标准建模语言UML Object-oriented Unified Modeling Language UML
- 系统分析和设计以统一建模语言UML为主,结合K/3 BOS提供的EPC分析方法。 系统实现以K/3 BOS集成开发工具和VB6开发平台为主要工具。 UML methods are applied to analysis and design this system,and it is combined with K/3 BOS.
- 数学建模 Mathematical Modeling
- 系统运用面向对象的分析方法与统一建模语言(UML)进行了建模。 The system made use of Object-Oriented Analysis method and unified Modeling language (UML) to make a model.
- 统一建横语言 UML
- 面向对象建模 object-oriented modeling
- 统一建摸语言 UML
- 面向领域建模 domain-specific modeling
- 面向方面建模 aspect-oriented modeling
- 统一建模 UML
- 建模语言 modeling language
- 语言建模 language modeling
- 统一建模2.0 UML2.0
- 系统建模语言 SystemC
- 通用建模语言 Unified modeling hmguage(UML)
- 树木冠层与根系统一建模研究 Research of Three-dimensional Trees Modeling Method
- 图形建模语言 diagrammatic model languages
- 领域建模语言 domain-specific modeling language