- 非参数AR(1)序列 nonpararnetric AR ( 1 )
- 非 not-
- 红外图像序列中微弱点状动目标的非参数检测 Nonparametric Detection of Dim Moving Point Targets in IR Image Sequences
- 非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性两阶段最小二乘估计 Local Linear Estimation by Two Stages Least Square for Nonparametric Simultaneous Equation Models in Econometrics
- 参数法和非参数法估计组合样中被测组分含量的置信区间 Parametric and Bootstrap Estimations of Confidence Intervals for Analyte Concentrations of Composite Samples
- 考虑交通吸纳点的非参数回归组合型短时交通流预测方法 The Combined Forecasting Approach Based on Non-Parametric Regression for Short-term Traffic Flow of Roads with Parking Spaces
- 非参数化 imparametrization
- 非参数熵 Nonparametric entropy
- 用非参数项目反应理论模型研究大规模教育考试维度的问题 The Application of Nonparametric Item Response Theory to the Dimensionality Research of Educational Test
- 最简单的非参数检验是符号检验。 One of the easiest nonparametric tests to use is the sign test.
- 非参数CUSUM nonparametric CUSUM
- 非参数分析 non-parametric analysis
- 非参数度量 non-parametric method
- 非参数分布 nonparameteric distribution
- 非参数建模 nonparametric modeling
- 非参数光滑 nonparametric smoothing
- 非参数变换 Non-parametric transform
- 非参数拟合 Nonparametric fit
- 非参数平滑 Nonparametric smoothing
- 非参数控制限 non-parametric confidence bounds