- 可以用蒸馏法除去海水中的盐分以制取饮用水。
Sea-water can be made drinkable by distilling out the salt.
- 滤毒罐防毒面具的一部分,含有过滤装置,能将有毒成分从空气中除去
The part of a gas mask that contains the filter for removing toxic agents from the air.
- 在口述记录设备上,用来除去记录媒体上记录的一种装置。
On dictation equipment, a device for removing a recording from the recording medium.
- 你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
How can you get rid of this oxide coating?
- 他也将因除去一个危险的间谍而受到表扬。
He will also take the credit for getting rid of a dangerous agent.