- 附加HTML Extra html
- 条约上附加了一项新条款。 A new clause was appended to the treaty.
- 附加样本 additional sample
- HTML HTML( Hypertext Markup Language)
- 这些是他的遗产的附加物。 the librarian shelved the new accessions; he was a new addition to the staff.
- HTML的语句格式与超文本文件设计 HTML phraseology form and hyper text document design
- 附加理货 Additional Tally
- HTML文档 HTML document
- 附加风 additional air
- HTML语言 HTML language
- 附加便携ram SPRAM Scratch Pad RAM
- HTML文件名 HTML filename
- 附加孔隙度 additional porosity
- HTML是一种标记语言。 HTML is a tag language.
- html标记特性 HTML Tag Properties
- 附加重力 additional gravity
- 附加价值论 The theory of added value by Eikan Kyu
- HTML解析 HTML parse
- 附加转义 connotation