- 阿Q之死 A Q's death
- 鲁迅刻意描述阿Q之死的“仪式感” ,不仅是为了在艺术上终结这个“问题人物” ,更是为了使“阿Q”彻底成为关于人的存在问题的艺术哲学思辨的符号。 LU Xun sedulously described"Sense on Rite" about A Q's death,not only putting an end to this"Problem Character" in the field of art,but enabling"A Q"to be thoroughly a thoughtfuly mark of artistic philosophy about the human existence.
- 这就是阿Q、陈奂生、彭细宝们的美学意义和典型性之所在 And that is the aesthetic meaning of AQ, Cheng Huansheng and Peng Xibao, etc.
- 不死 athanasy
- 之後 afterwards
- 阿拉丁 Aladdin
- 《阿Q正传》是谁写的? Who was the story of Ah Q written by ?
- 他们哀悼市长之死。 They bemoaned the mayor's death.
- 阿Q气 Ah - Q style
- 围绕拿破仑之死所涉及的这些情况仍是一个颇有争议的论题。 The circumstances surrounding Napoleon's death are a subject of fierce debate.
- 我们都为朋友之死而悲痛。 We all lamented the death of our friend.
- 打小算盘,弄小智术,官僚主义,阿Q主义,实际上毫无用处。 Petty niggling, mean tricks, bureaucracy, and Ah Q-ism are of no use at all.
- 阿Q与庄子 Ah-Q and Zhuangzi
- 爱猫之死 Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat
- “这个断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远听得见小尼姑的带哭的声音。 "ah Q, may you die sonless!"sounded the little nun's voice tearfully in the distance.
- 他们发誓为他们领主之死报仇。 They swore to avenge their lord's death.
- 阿Q是个家喻户晓的人物形象 ,历来受到的批评多于赞扬。 A Q is a household image in China, who received more criticism than praise.
- 少女之死 Execution of a Teenage Girl
- 郭橐驼与阿Q Guo Tuo-tuo and Ah Q
- 置之死地 put; kill; doom ... to death