- 阿卡明X alkamine-X
- 阿卡明 Aicamin
- 阿卡明[治肝炎药] orazamide
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。 We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 阿卡明,氨眯酰胺 Oroxamide
- 阿卡明,乳清酸氨咪酰胺 Alcamin
- 乳清酸氨咪酰胺,阿卡明 AICA Orotate
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。 I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- 咪唑酰胺,安肝灵,阿卡明 Aicorate
- 外科大夫用X射线照射瘤。 The surgeons irradiated the tumor.
- 阿卡明,氨咪酰胺,乳清酸氨咪酰胺 Orazamide
- 医生细查了X光照片。 The doctor examined the X-rays.
- 满足x=8 的条件 to satisfy x=8
- X-Y型天线座 X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 阿卡明,乳清酸氨咪酰胺,咪唑酰胺,安肝灵,肝乐明,氨基咪唑甲酰胺乳清酸盐 Aica Orotate; Aicamin
- 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。 He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
- 编译器会认为变量x已被定义。 The compiler will announce that the variable x has already been defined.
- 双V形的, X形的 double vee
- 假定x=y Let x be y.
- 返回值的类型必须兼容x的类型。 The type of the return value must be compatible with the type of x.