- 锥束CT重建 cone beam CT reconstruction
- 一种用于小体积偏置探测器锥束CT系统的反投影滤波重建算法 A BPF-type Reconstruction Algorithm for Cone-beam CT System with a Reduced Size Detector
- 基于锥束CT的小型部件检测系统设计 Design of Small part Testing System Based on Cone-beam CT
- 目前锥束CT普遍采用FDK算法,该算法基于单圆源轨,在小锥角下取得较好的重建效果。 FDK method is the most common kind of 3D image reconstruction algorithm in cone beam CT at present, which is based on a scanning circle and reconstructs images satisfactorily in the small cone angle case.
- 基于平行PI线段的平行束CT重建 Parallel PI-line segment-based parallel beam CT reconstruction
- 锥束CT cone-beam CT
- 螺旋锥束CT spiral cone-beam CT
- CT重建 CT reconstruction
- 三维CT重建在骨关节损伤及椎管狭窄诊断与治疗中的应用 Application of three dimensional CT reconstruction in the diagnosis and treatment of bone and joint injury and spinal stenosis
- 锥束 cone beam
- 锥形束CT Cone beam CT
- 目的 探讨三维CT重建在关节内骨折诊断和治疗中的作用。 Objective To discuss the clinical application of 3D CT reconstruction in fractures within joint.
- Chaddock反射/征(一种锥体束征,刺激足外踝下部引起拇趾伸直) Chaddock reflex/sign
- 锥束投影 cone-beam projection
- 三维CT重建 Three dimensional imaging
- 扇形束CT Fan-beam CT
- 锥体束 pyramidal tract
- CT重建算法 computed tomography algorithm
- 螺旋锥束 helical cone-beam
- 多层CT三维重建技术观测颅底各孔径值并分析其形态和性别差异 Observation and measurement of foramina of the skull base and analysis of their shape and gender differences by multislice CT three-dimensional reconstruction