- 链霉亲和素生物素-ELISA ABC-ELISA
- 抗癌胚抗原单抗与生物素及链霉亲和素偶联物的制备及性能鉴定 Preparation and bioactivity evaluation of the conjugates of carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody with biotin or streptavidin
- 实时生物分子相互作用分析技术用于链霉亲和素-生物素化抗体的层层组装研究 Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Multilayer Films Composed of Streptavidin and Biotinylated Antibody by Real-time Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
- 斑点免疫金渗滤试验、生物素-链霉亲和素一步法与培养法检测淋球菌抗原的对比 Comparison of Dot-immunogold Filtration Assay, One-step Enzyme Immunoassay Coupling with Biotin-streptavidin Technique and Culture for the Detection of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Antigen
- 链霉亲和素磁珠 Streptavidin MagneSphere
- 亲和素生物素 avidin-biotin
- 抗癌胚抗原嵌合重链抗体与核心链霉亲和素融合基因在昆虫细胞中的表达 Expression of the Fusion Gene Encoding Murine-Human Chimeric Heavy Chain to Carcinoembryonic Antigen with Core-streptavidin Gene in Inssect Cells
- 凝血素生物化学 biochemistry of thromboxanes
- 新型磁共振靶向对比剂Gd-DTPA-链霉亲和素的制备及其反应条件的实验研究 Preparation of a novel targeted MR contrast agent Gd-DTPA-streptavidin and exploration of its reaction conditions
- 青蒿高效遗传转化体系的建立与青蒿素生物合成的分子调控 High Efficiency of Genetic Transformation of Artemisia Annua L. and Molecular Regulation of Artemisinin Biosynthesis
- 霉素 zymoid
- 土壤易矿化有机态氮和微生物态氮作为土壤氮素生物有效性指标的评价 Evaluation of soil easily mineralizable nitrogen and microbial biomass nitrogen for biological available index
- 阿霉素 adriamycin
- 阿奇霉素 azithromycin
- 亲和素 avidin
- 链霉定 streptidine
- 保幼生物素 juvabione
- 脱氧链霉胺 deoxystreptamine
- 表氧生物素 epioxybiotin
- 狭链霉螺旋体 Spirochaeta stenostrepta