- 耐药表型以结构型大环内酯类、林可酰胺类和链阳性菌素B耐药表型 (cMLS)为主 ,占红霉素耐药株的 95 9%。 and clindamycin, 95.9%25. The most common macrolide resistance phenotype was the cMIS phenotype (95.9%25), 1.4%25 had the iMLS phenotype and 2.7%25 the M phenotype.
- 链阳性菌素A Streptogramin A
- 密柑霉素A,链阳性菌素A Streptogramin A
- 曲张链丝菌素A streptovitacin A
- 经 IPTG诱导阳性菌 ,通过 SDS- PAGE检测出Acr A部分基因的表达 The sense clone was induced with IPTG. The expression of AcrA was observed on SDS PAGE.
- 链阳性菌素 streptogramin
- 粘菌素A Colistin A
- 链阳性菌素B Streptogramin B
- 螺菌素A endomycin
- 新生霉素抗生素,C31H36N2O11,由放线菌产生雪白链霉菌,并可用于治疗革兰氏阳性菌引起的传染病。 An antibiotic,C31H36N2O11,produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces nivens and used to treat infections by gram-positive bacteria.
- 束菌素A Bundlin A
- 新生霉素抗生素,C31H36N2O11,由放线菌产生雪白链霉菌,并可用于治疗革兰氏阳性菌引起的传染病 An antibiotic, C31H36N2O11, produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces nivens and used to treat infections by gram-positive bacteria.
- 头孢菌素A cephalosporin A
- 密柑霉素B,链阳性菌素B Streptogramin B
- 粘康菌素A muconomycin A
- 链菌生素A Resactin A; Streptovitacin A
- 粘液菌素A Muconomycin A
- 制皮菌素A Dermostalin A
- 溴硝菌素A Bromonitrin A
- 初步体外抗菌试验结果表明 ,所合成的头孢菌素衍生物 4 a,4 b对革兰氏阳性菌显示出中等程度的抑制活性 . The preliminary results of ant ibacterial activities revealed t hat 4a,4b showed moderate antibacterial activitie s against Gram positive bacteria.