- 铜V型宫内节育器 silastic-copper-V
- 硅橡胶-铜V型宫内节育器 silastic-copper-V IUD
- 带铜V型节育器 silasticcopperVIUD
- 活性γ型宫内节育器 Activeγintrauterine device(IUD)
- 一次性使用圆宫型宫内节育器放置器 Hygienic standard for yuangong intrauterine device of specially designed inserter
- 关闭型宫内节育器 closed intra-uterine device
- 双圈T型宫内节育器 saf-T coil IUD; Saf-T-Coil
- 磷铜 phosphor copper
- 运动型 motile
- TCu220C宫内节育器 TCu220C IUD
- 糖原病V型 McArdle disease
- 糖原积累症V型 McArdle-Schmid-Pearson disease
- 例宫内节育器嵌顿膀胱病人的护理 Nursing care of a case with urinary bladder incarceration by intrauterine contraceptive device
- 列车用V型格栅气粒分离特性的数值模拟 Numerical Simulation of Gas-particle Separation Property of the V-shaped Grille Used in Trains
- 流型 flow pattern
- 铜T形宫内节育器 copper T IUD
- B型超声波扫描 B-scan
- 矮型信号机基础 dwarf type signal foundation
- I型反应 type I reaction
- 铜7字形宫内节育器 copper 7IUD