- 铁草氨菌素B ferrioxamine B
- 铁草氨菌素 B ferrioxamine B
- 天青菌素B Celesticetin B
- 硫酸多粘菌素B polymyxin B sulfate
- 月见草 evening primrose
- 硫酸铁 ferric sulfate
- 阿霉素 adriamycin
- 那儿有羊吃过草的平整的地方。 There were smooth areas where sheep had pastured.
- 氨氯地平 amlodipine
- 磷酸铁 iron phosphate
- 用 K-B(Kriby-Bauer)法测定志贺菌对7种抗菌药物的敏感性。 susceptibility of Shigella flexneri strains to 7 antimicrobial agents was determined by K-B(Kriby-Bauer)method.
- α铁 α iron
- 阿尔玛菌素 almarcetin
- 天冬氨酸亚铁 ferrous aspartate; feraspartyl; spartocine; sideryl
- 淋菌 gonococcus
- 林可霉素 lincomycin
- T字铁 T iron
- V形铁 V-block
- β溶素 β-lysin
- VA菌根 vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza