- 钾、镁和维生素C片剂 Nul-Tach<阵发性心动过速治疗药>
- 水杨酸钠、对氨苯酸钠和维生素C片剂 PABA-Salicylate; Pabasone
- 氢溴酸右美沙芬和维生素C片剂 Dexyl<镇咳药>
- 苯佐卡因、西他氯铵和维生素C片剂 Benzo-C<局麻药>
- 钙、磷、镁和钾对雪莲细胞悬浮培养的影响 Effects of calcium, phosphate, magnesium and potassium on suspension culture of Saussurea medusa cell
- 东方对虾蜕皮周期中外表皮对钙、磷、镁和钾的矿化作用 The exoskeleton mineralization of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium of the prawn, Panaeus orientalis
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- 悬浮液进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定藕粉中的钙、镁和铁 Determination of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron in Arrowroot Flour by Suspension Sampling-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- 兔脊髓缺血再灌注损伤与硫酸镁和抑肽酶保护作用的效应差异 Differential effect of magnesium sulfate and aprotinin in protecting rabbits from spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury
- 黑莓果含有丰富的铁和维生素C。 Blackberries are a fairly good source of iron and vitamin C.
- 盐卤,氯化钠在海水中结晶后遗留的溴化物、镁和钙盐的苦味水溶物 the bitter water solution of bromides,magnesium,and calcium salts remaining after sodium chloride is crystallized out of seawater
- 维生素C,丙种维生素,维生素丙,抗坏血酸,丙素,维他命C Ascorvel
- 饲克山病病区粮大鼠游离脂肪酸变化及硒和维生素E的影响 Effect of selenium and vitamin E on free fatty acids of rats fed with grain from Keskan Disease area
- 氢和维生素C稀释曲线测定 hydrogen and ascorbate dilution determination
- 浆果中含有维生素C。 Berries contain vitamin C.
- 维生素C,抗坏血酸,维生素丙,维他命丙,丙种维生素,丙素,维他命C Celin; Cevalin; Vitamin C; Vitascorbol
- 杏仁尤其好,因为它含有健康心脏所必需的多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素E、叶酸、镁和铜。 And almonds are particularly good because they contain many of the vitamins and minerals that have been linked to a healthy heart: vitamin E, folate, magnesium and copper.
- 维生素C被认为能预防感冒。 Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.
- 维生素C丸 Vitamin C Pills
- 维生素C片 Vitamin C Tablets