- 野战X线车 X-ray diagnosis field battle vehicle
- 野战X线机支架 support of X-ray apparatus for field battle
- 野战X线影像系统 field X-ray imaging system
- 野战X线机支架的改进 Improvement of the support of X-ray apparatus for field battle
- X线车 x-ray omnibus
- 在线 in-line
- 改进广深线车机联控工作的探索 Discussion on Improving Train-locomotive Integrated Control on Guangzhou-Shenzhen Line
- X线诊断车 X-ray diagnosis vehicle
- X线透视 fluoroscopy
- 特种X线 sp.xr
- 透X线的 radiotransparent
- X线定位 X- ray localizer
- X线钡餐 X-ray barium meal examination
- X线密度 X-ray density
- 体腔X线管 endodiascope
- 铁靶X线管 tube with Fe target, x-ray
- 通用X线机 regular x-ray unit
- 透X线材料 nonopaque material
- 透X线结石 nonopaque calculus; nonopaque stone
- 流动X线诊断车 mobile radio diagnostic equipment