- 她多次遭到同事侮慢。
She suffered many slights from colleagues.
- 她的建议一再遭到拒绝。
Her proposal met with continual rejections.
- 他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。
His charges were met with cries of anger.
- 我的要求遭到了断然拒绝。
My request was met with a flat refusal.
- 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
Her request for a donation met with a repulse.
- 她一片好心却遭到他冷酷的拒绝。
Her kindness to him was met with a cruel rebuff.
- 他的建议遭到某种程度的反对。
His suggestion met with some hostility.
- 当我打电话给他时遭到他的断然拒绝。
I suffered a blunt refusal when I called him.