- 透射X线断层照像的 td; transmission computed tomographic
- 计算机X线断层照像术 Computed tomography
- 三维计算机X线断层照像术 three- dimensional computed tomography
- 全肺X线断层照像术 whole lung tomography; WLT
- X线断层显像术 Tomography
- 体层X线照像术 analytical roentgenography
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 体动X线断层摄影 autotomography
- 系列X线照像术 serial radiography
- 体动X线断层摄影术 autotomography
- 血管X线断层照相术 angiotomography
- 异物X线照像定位器 punctograph
- 体动X线断层摄影(术) autotomography
- 头颅计算机X线断层成像 cranial computed tomography
- 心动周期X线照像自动操纵装置 telecord
- 头颅计算机X线断层成像术 cranial computed tomography
- 头颅计算机X线断层成像(术) cranial computed tomography
- 体层照像,X线断层摄影 laminography
- 体层照像,X线断层摄影术 laminography
- 体层照像术,X线断层摄影 laminography