- 都市生活的艰难迫使他迁往乡村。
The pressures of city life forced him to move to the country.
- 客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。
Circumstances forced us to change our plans.
- 繁重的工作量迫使我取消去露营。
The heavy workload forced me to cancel the camping trip.
- 一场雷雨迫使他躲在草屋里。
A thunderstorm forced him to take refuge at a hut.
- 大雨迫使我们呆在户内。
The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.
- 骑士迫使他的马在暴风雨中前进。
The rider forced his horse on through the storm.
- 战争迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。
The war forced us to depart from the old customs.