- 辅酶维B12 Ademide; Adenosyl B12; CO-B12; Cobaltamin S; Cobamamide; Cobamamidum; Cobazymase; Coenzyme Vitamin B12; VitaminB12 Coenzyme
- 赖氨肌醇维B12口服液 Lysine Inosite Vitamin B12 Oral Solution
- 辅酶Q0 coenzyme Q0
- 庆大霉素普鲁卡因维B12颗粒 Gentamicin Procaine Vitamin BI2 Granules
- 还原型辅酶Ⅰ DADH, DPNH, reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide
- 乙酰辅酶A教化酶 ACC
- 酶的 enzymatic
- 多维 many dimensions
- 草酰辅酶A脱羧酶 oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase
- 辅机 donkey engine
- 酶解 zymohydrolysis
- 维他B12 Vitamin
- 辅酶Q连接蛋白基因 RT-PCR
- 辅酶 coenzyme
- 含辅酶人工酶研究进展 Study progress on enzyme having coenzyme
- 维酶素 Wei Mei Su Pian
- 乙酰辅酶A合成酶2基因 ACAS 2
- 维酶素片 Vitacoenzyme Tablets
- 四氢叶酸辅酶模型的性质研究 Studies on the properties of a tetrahydrofolate coenzyme model
- 腺苷辅酶维生素B12, 腺苷钴胺,辅酶维生素B12,5'-脱氧腺苷钴胺 Cobamamide