- 轮状病毒VP7基因 VP7 protein of rotavirus
- 轮状病毒VP7基因表达载体的构建及其向胡萝卜中的转化研究 Constructions of VP7 Gene and CTB-VP7 Fusion Gene Expression Vectors and Transformation in Carrot (Daucus Carota L.)
- 小鼠轮状病毒EW株VP7基因的克隆及其在重组腺病毒中的表达 Cloning and expression in replication defective recombinant adenovirus of VP7 of murine rotavirus EW strain
- 非洲马瘟病毒VP7基因的克隆与表达 Cloning and Expression of VP7 Gene of African Horse Sickness Virus
- 鷽
- 轮 wheel
- B组轮状病毒 Group B rolavirus
- 流感病毒 influenza virus
- 轮毂 hub
- 轮到 fall
- 轮滑 skidding of wheel
- 艾滋病病毒 AIDS virus
- 轮盘 rotary table
- 轮距 tread
- 棒状病毒 rhabdovirus
- 轮询 polling
- 轮缘 rim
- 兔冠状病毒 rabbit coronavirus
- 晚期病毒基因 late viral genes
- 豌豆弹状病毒 Pisum rhabdovirus