- 跟踪扫描系统CAN总线 CAN bus
- 车辆控制系统CAN总线通信的实施方法 The Implementation Method for CAN Communication in Vehicle Control System
- 潮汐模型系统CAN总线智能节点设计及其控制算法优化 CAN Bus- based Intelligent Node and its Control Algorithm in the Tide Model
- DNC方式单步跟踪扫描及数字化 Single step scanning and digitizing based on DNC function
- 扫描 scan
- 激光三角测头的动态仿形跟踪扫描 Dynamic Profile Tracking Scan with Laser Sensor
- 基于CCP协议的电控发动机标定系统CAN通信模块的研发 Research of CAN Communication Module Based on CCP for Calibration System of Electronically Controlled Engine
- 变焦扫描系统 varifocal scanning system
- 扫描系统 sweep system
- 基于CAN总线的分布式设备数据采集与监控系统的研究与应用 Research on and Application of Distributed Equipment Data Acquisition and Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus
- C扫描系统 C-scanning system
- 基于CAN总线的路桥收费系统 Tollway and Bridge Toll System Based on CAN Bus
- 牙颌模型三维激光扫描系统可靠性研究及与手工测量的比较 The reliability study of three-dimensional dental cast laser scanner and comparison with manual measurement
- 因此,挖掘深化漏洞,提高扫描精度成为扫描系统的灵魂。 So, dig deeply vulnerabilities and improve precision of scan becomes the soul of scanning the system.
- 基于CAN总线的数据采集系统 A data collection system based on CAN bus technique
- 束扫描系统 beam scanning system
- 基于CAN总线的环境控制系统 An Environment Control System Based on CAN Bus
- 利用此扫描系统做了PMMA板和角膜对比实验以及动物和盲眼实验。 The comparative experiment between PMMA and cornea was fulfilled as well as clinical animal and blind eyes experiments.
- 超竞争环境信息扫描系统模型及其在XA电信市场的分析和应用 Analysis and Application of Information Scanning System in XA Telecom Market under Super-Competitive Environment
- CAN总线系统信号传输延时分析 Time Delay of Signal Transmission in CAN Bus System