- 超短脉冲X射线 ultra-short pulsed X-ray
- 超短脉冲X射线激发荧光寿命谱仪的设计与研制 The development of an ultrashort pulsed X-ray facility for fluorescent lifetime measurement
- 紫外超短脉冲激光辐照固体靶产生硬X射线研究 Generation of hard X-ray from solid target irradiated by UV high intensity ultrashort pulse laser
- 多个超短脉冲相干叠加构成窄带平顶长脉冲的研究-修改稿 Research on coherent addition of Multi-ultra-short pulses for a narrow bandwidth long flat-top pulse
- 超短脉冲激光器脉冲持续时间对在陶瓷和硅片上划割时的影响 Effect of pulse duration on scribing of ceramics and Si wafer ultrashort pulsed laser
- 超短超强激光与物质相互作用可以产生单能的K-alpha线辐射、X射线激光辐射等。 Monoenergetic K-alpha x-ray, x-ray laser et al can emit from interaction of ultra-short and ultra-intense laser pulse with matter.
- 超短脉冲技术 Ultrashort pulse technology
- 利用超短脉冲激光和光电子能量微分谱直接测量窄带飞秒超紫外线XUV脉冲的时间结构 Direct measurement of the temporal structure of narrow bandwidth femtosecond XUV using ultra-short laser via differential photoelectron energy spectrum
- 超短脉冲激光 Ultra-short pulse laser
- 有质动力对超短脉冲激光与固体等离子体相互作用的影响 Influence of ponderomotive force on interaction of ultrashort pulse laser with solid plasma
- 超短脉冲 ultrashort pulse
- 超短脉冲激光与乙醇微滴相互作用中超热电子的双叶状角分布 Angular distribution of hot electrons emitted from ethanol droplets irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
- 超短脉冲光束 ultrashort pulsed beams
- 超短脉冲生成 ultrashort pulse generation
- 超短脉冲电源 ultra- short pulse power source
- 超短脉冲激光器 ultrashort pulse laser
- 低抖动超短脉冲源 Uncooled source
- 超短脉冲贝塞尔-高斯光束 Ultrashort pulsed Bessel-Gauss beam
- 双轴晶体超短脉冲参量放大 Optical Parametric Generation of Femtosecond Pulse for Biaxial Crystal
- 超短脉冲复宗量辛格高斯光束 Ultrashort pulsed complex argument Sinc-Gaussian beams