- 超低功耗有源RFID ultralow-power active RFID
- 低功耗、低灵敏度有源带通滤波器设计的新方法 A New Design Method of Low-power Low-sensitivity Band-pass Filter
- 超低功耗 ultra-low power
- 有源RFID Active RFID
- 智能热表的超低功耗设计。 The Design of Intelligent Calorimeter.
- 有源RFID系统 source-based RFID system
- 对模拟所得数据的计算结果表明,与实现相同功能的单边沿移位寄存器相比,由于工作频率减半,双边沿移位寄存器的功耗有明显降低。 Calculation for the data from simulation shows that power dissipation of DET shift register can be reduced evidently because of using the clock with half working frequency, in comparison with its counterpart SET shift register.
- 高精度超低功耗热量表的研发 Research and Development of Heat Meter Featuring High Precision and Ultra -Low Power Consumption
- 医学应用中的超低功耗设计技术 Doing More with Much, Much Less: Ultra-Low Power Design for Medical Applications
- 有源电子式电压互感器一次侧电路的低功耗设计 Design of primary converter for active electronic voltage transformers with low power consumption
- 超低功耗雨量计 rain-gage with ultra-low power consumption
- 精矿粉~1 制备高Bs低功耗软磁Mn -Zn铁氧体的配方工艺研究 Study on Composition and Manufacturing Processes for High Bs and Low Loss Soft Magnetic Mn-Zn Ferrite Produced from Refined Mine Powders.
- 一种适合于低代价、低功耗VLSI实现的块匹配运动估值算法 A Block-Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm For Low Cost and Low-Power VLSI Implementation
- 超低待机功耗 Ultra-low consumption in standby mode
- SDU_M08指令集简单,易于学习和使用,可广泛应用于低功耗、高性价比的控制领域。 The simple instructions of this SDU_M08 IP core are easy to be learned, thereby the core can be widely used in those controlling fields which require low power consumption and high ratio of performance to price.
- 一个用于流水线模数转换器的高精度、低功耗采样保持电路 A High Resolution Low Power Sample and Hold Module Dedicated to a Pipelined ADC
- 传输-箝位理论及在交流能源低功耗CMOS电路设计中的应用 Theory of Transmission-Clamping and Its Application to Design of Low Power Dissipation CMOS Circuits Using Pulsed Power
- 低功耗射频 Transceiver of low power
- 低功耗设计 low power design
- 高速低功耗 high speed low power