- 结合超临界CO2流体萃取猕猴桃籽油的生产实践,分析了影响猕猴桃籽出油率的相关因素。 Combined with our production practice on SC-CO_2 extraction of Chinese gooseberry seed oil,factors influencing the oil yield were analyzed.
- 超临界CO2流体萃取 supercritical CO2 extraction
- 超临界CO2流体萃取法 Supererifieal CO2 extraction
- 采用GC-MS对超临界CO2流体萃取的树兰净油进行分析。 Aglaia odorate essential oil prepared by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction from aglaia odorate flower was analysed using GC-MS.
- 超临界CO2流体 supercritical CO2 fluid
- 超临界CO2流体干燥 CO2 supercritical fluid drying
- 不同预处理方式对超临界流体萃取葡萄皮精油影响的研究 Study on the effects of different pre-treatments on the extract of grape skin essential oil with supercritical fluid
- 超临界CO2流体色谱 supercritical CO2 fluid chromatography (SFC)
- 不同强化方法对超临界CO2萃取人参皂甙的影响 Effects of Different Enhanced Methods on Ginsenosides Extraction with Supercritical CO 2 Extraction
- 超临界CO2流体染色 supercritical CO2 fluid dyeing
- 超临界C02流体萃取法 Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction
- 超临界CO2流体提取 SCF-CO2 extraction
- 超临界二氧化碳流体萃取法 SFE - CO2 extraction
- 超临界流体萃取技术工业化现状 Present Industrialization Situation of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology
- 但是有关超临界CO2流体技术应用的基础性研究还非常的薄弱,这就一定程度上阻碍了超临界流体技术的进一步发展和工业化应用。 But the basic research on the application aspects of SCF-CO2 is very lack, which embarrasses more development and industry applying.
- 总之,通过分析超临界CO2流体的性质,有助于全面了解CO2在气体冷却器中的流动及换热特性,可为设计高效的气体冷却器提供必要的理论基础。 In a word, it can help to understand the flow and heat transfer characteristics of CO2 fluid and provide indispensable theoretical basis for designing high efficiency gas cooler by analyzing the properties of supercritical CO2 fluid.
- 目的 :研究超临界CO2 流体萃取 (SFE)法萃取金边瑞香鲜花中有效成份之一瑞香素的最佳条件。 Objective:To study the optium condition of extracting daphnetin,one of the effective components from Daphne odora Thunb fresh flowers by the CO 2 supercritical fluid extraction(SFE).
- 两种药剂在杨树体内分布动态的超临界流体萃取技术研究 Determination of Two Pesticides in Poplar Tissue by Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Gas Chromatography
- 文摘:介绍了近年来铀提取方面的技术进展,包括提铀新工艺:超临界co2流体提取铀,杯芳烃提铀,毛细管电泳分离铀,振荡法萃取铀;各国新型萃取剂和吸附剂的应用及三废治理。 Abstract: Technical progress of uranium extraction in recent years is introduced, including new processes such as uranium extraction by supercritical CO2 fluid, calixarene, capillary electrophoresis, oscillation; application of novel extractants and absorbents; and three wastes disposal.