- 所 place
- 其 its
- 各位应该了解持诵心咒其实要比仅仅读诵其字句更具力量和意义,尤其是在念诵的同时若能建立起虔诚心,那将会使心咒更有力量。 Now that you have received this transmission you should recite the mantra (OM MANI PADME HUM) whist practicing the visualization of the white four-armed form of Chenrezig but more importantly you should practice compassion whenever possible.
- "但闻一缕幽香,竟不知其所焚何物.宝玉遂不禁相问" A subtle perfume hung in the air and he could not help asking what incense was being burned.
- 正如所闻;正是那样。 You hear me!
- 尽其所能 to the best of one's potential
- 所闻 what is heard
- 死得其所 die a worthy death
- 亲耳所闻 hear with one's own ears; These ears have heard
- 凡事都应用得其所。 It is right to put everything in its proper use.
- 耳无所闻 total deafness
- 人是因其所信奉而为教会所接受的,却因其所知而被驱逐。 A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows.
- 据我所闻 as I am told
- 想想看,他对这件事竟一无所闻! To think of his having heard nothing of the matter!
- 那个城市佬在农场里是如鱼离水,不得其所。 That city slicker was out of his element out on the farm.
- 所知勿全说,所闻勿全信。 Say not all that you know,believe not all that you hear.
- 我准是疯了,那样地忘其所以。 I must have been mad to forget myself like that.
- 莫道全所知,莫信全所闻 "Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear"
- 他被认为是:说话多多而不知其所云的、最雅致的演说家。 He is considered the most graceful speaker who can say nothing in most words.
- 莫道全所知,莫信全所闻。 Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear.