- 该列表基于PHP 4.0.6。 This list is consistent with PHP 4.0.6.
- 该列表列出了你想要转变为方法的对象的类型和引用名。 The list gives the types and names for the information you want to pass into the method.
- 该列表以英文名称排序。 The list is sorted on the English names.
- PHP 4.2.3可工作于2.0.39,不要用任何其它版本的Apache与PHP 4.2.3配合。 PHP 4.2.3 Works with Apache 2.0.39, don't use any other version of Apache with PHP 4.2.3.
- 原因是这样的:PHP现在得到很广泛的部署,自然地,大量流行的基于PHP的应用程序也得到了广泛的部署。 The reasoning is this: PHP is now very widely deployed and, by extension, a large number of popular PHP-based applications are also widely deployed.
- 不是我,而是他该负责任。 Not I but he is responsible for it.
- 从PHP 4.1.0开始附带了此扩展。 This extension is bundled into PHP as of 4.1.0.
- 该列表包含六个不相互排斥的项。 The list contains six items that are not mutually exclusive.
- 本文通过在设计、开发和应用基于PHP+MYSQL技术的医院网上办公系统的过程中的经验,系统地介绍了运用PHP技术+MYSQL数据库架构面向医院的网络办公自动化系统的设计与实现的方法。 this article using the experience about OA SYSTEM based on PHP+MYSQL in design,development and application,introduced the systematic method about the design and the realize of OA SYSTEM in hospital with PHP technology and MYSQL database.
- 就该 should
- 本函数在PHP 4.3.0中完全实现。 This function is fully implemented in PHP 4.3.0.
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。" "When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 基于Web2.0的网络课程 Web2.0-based Course
- 在该列表中输入要还原的数据库。 Enter the database to restore in the list.
- 此过滤器在PHP 4中不可用。 These filters are not available for PHP 4.
- 在他这样的年龄该懂事些了。 He ought to know better at his time of life.
- 基于4:2:2视频帧内编码的扩展 Extension of Intra Coding Based on 4:2:2 Video
- 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。 This course is designed as an introduction to the subject.
- PHP:保留字列表-Manual PHP: List of Reserved Words - Manual
- 你该去睡觉了。 It is the time you should go to bed.