- 诊断用X射线电视机 X-ray for diagnosis teleuision
- 手术室用X射线电视机 X-ray operabing theatre television
- 用X射线检查乳房瘤的诊断程序 a diagnostic procedure to detect breast tumors by the use of X rays
- 常用 in common usage
- 诊断用X射线管 diagnostic tube
- X射线电视机 X-ray TV unit
- 诊断用X光机 diagnostic X-ray apparatus
- 填充上照影剂后用X射线照动脉 an X ray of an artery filled with a contrast medium
- 诊断用X线机 diagnostic x-ray unit
- 医用X射线诊断 Medical X-ray diagnosis
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。 We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 诊断用电气装置 diagnostic medical electric apparatus
- 医用诊断X射线机防护情况调查 Survey of the Health Protective Condition of Medical Diagnostic X-ray Apparatus
- 诊断用X线系统 diagnostic x-ray system
- 南通市X射线诊断医疗照射频率水平调查 Survey on Frequency Levels of Medical Exposure from Diagnostic X-ray Procedures in Nantong
- 诊断用X线管防护壳 diagnostic protective tube housing
- 用电子探针X射线显微分析法研究肾上腺素激发的心房特殊颗粒分泌 Using electron probe X-ray microanalysis to study calcium release from atrial specific granules induced by injection of adrenaline in rats
- 手提式诊断用X光机 portable diagnostic X-ray machine
- 高能量电子束也能用来激发高能量X射线峰的发射。 A high beam energy is also used to stimulate x-ray emission of higher-energy peaks.
- 动物诊断用X线设备 equipment for animal examination, X-ray