- 他的最近一部小说在评论家中引起了轰动。
His last novel created a furore among the critics.
- 她是位眼光敏锐的艺术评论家。
She is a very discerning art critic.
- 评论家指出该剧缺乏创意。
Critics remarked that the play was not original.
- 评论家狠狠挖苦她的新剧。
The critics roasted her new play.
- 这出戏被评论家批评得一无是处。
The play was damned by the reviewers.
- 他新拍摄的电影确实受到评论家严厉的批评。
His new film was really panned by the critics.
- 她的小说横遭评论家抨击。
Her novel has been badly mauled by the critics.
- 评论家一致公认莎士比亚是刻画人物的大师。
By the common consent of critics, Shakespeare is the prince of character delineators.