- 她又是小说家又当大学讲师,有两手准备。
As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.
- 她能写些很有趣的故事,但是比不上那些写出内容能发人深省的小说家。
She writes quite amusing stories but she can't hold a candle to the more serious novelists.
- 小说家塑造人物并设计作品的情节。
A novelist creates characters and a plot.
- 那个小说家已经发表了很多长篇小说。
The novelist had issued many saga novels.
- 我梦想成为一个小说家。
I dreamed of becoming a novelist.
- 作为小说家,她过着不太稳定的生活。
She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist.