- 计算机X线成像 CR
- X线成像 X-ray imaging
- 计算机X线数字成像设备图文管理系统的开发与应用 Development and Application of Image/Text Management System in Digital X-ray Equipment
- 在线 in-line
- 数字化X线成像 Digital X-ray imaging
- 计算机放射摄影术,计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography(CR)
- X线成像光子 image-forming x-ray photon
- 计算机放射摄影(术), 计算机X线摄影(术) computed radiography(CR)
- 数字X线成像 digital x-ray imaging
- 口内X线成像设备 intraoral x-ray unit
- 计算机X线摄影 computed radiography(CR)
- 荧光X线成像系统 photofluorographic imaging system
- 直接数字X线成像 Dired digital radiography
- 计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography; CR
- 数字视频减影X线成像系统 digital video subtraction x-ray imaging system
- 数字化X线成像在儿科的临床应用 The Clinical Application of Digitized X-ray Imaging Technique in Paediatrics
- 计算机X线层扫描术 computer tomography
- 移动C臂X线成像系统增强脉冲模式时序分析 Control Sequence Analyses of Mobile C-arm X-ray Imaging Systems in Boost Mode
- X线断层成像 computed tomography
- 计算机X线断层成像 CR(computed radiography)