- 被修饰的名词是形容词子句的主语。 The noun being modified acts as the subject of an adjective clause.
- 被修饰的DNA modified DNA
- 并没有说明被修饰的男人是已婚还是单身。 Miss.The word Mr does not tell us whether or not a man is married.
- (语法)不限于所提到的被修饰的词或短语的。 (grammar) not limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase.
- 相比之下,化学修饰的DNA酶则要比内源性生成的核酶更加耐受核酸酶的作用。 3) as DNA-RNA substrates for endogenous RNase H cleavage.
- 被称为 go by the name of
- 一个从顶头孢霉中筛选具有启动子功能的DNA片段的简便方法 A Convenient Method to Select DNA Fragments of Cephalosporium acremonium with Promoter Function
- 被认为 be deemed to
- 修饰 adorn
- 被发现 come to light
- 修饰的 modificatory
- 它们各自在细菌细胞内复制,产生不同的DNA克隆的“文库”。 These are replicated individually in bacterial cells to produce a library of different DNA clones.
- 被套 quilt cover
- 在基因表达期间,使用从DNA转录而来的RNA可制备出超纯度的DNA. Superpure DNA can be prepared using RNA transcribed from DNA in the course of gene expression.
- 方法应被修饰为本机的。 Methods should be decorated as native.
- 地高辛素标记的DNA探针快速鉴定产不耐热肠毒素大肠杆菌的研究 A Rapid Identification of Heat-Labile Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Colt by Nonradioactive Digoxigenin Labeled DNA Probe
- 爱修饰的 dandyish
- 被装饰、被修饰或被润色的状态 The state of being decorated, adorned, or embellished.
- 我意愿抹除所有非人类的DNA,不管它们是来自植物、物、物、豚或鲸鱼来源。 I intend to erase all non-human DNA whether they are from plant, animal, mineral, dolphin or whale sources.
- 不加修饰的 inornate