- 单疱病毒性角膜炎大黄素治疗前后补体C_3及C反应蛋白的分析 Changes in serum complement C_3 and C-reactive protein after the treatment on herpes simplex keratitis with Rhubarb
- 补体C complement C3
- 磁化矿泉浴对正常人血清免疫球蛋白及补体C_3C_4的影响 Observation of magnetic mineral spring water effect on immunoglobulin and C 3,C 4 of normal human being
- 补 to repair
- 烧伤病人血清补体C_3、C_4变化的动态观察与临床的联系 The Relationship Between Changes of Serum C_3 and C_4 and Clinical Observations in Burn Patients
- 补体 complement
- 河南汝州矿泉浴对银屑病患者免疫球蛋白及补体C_3的影响 The effect on psoriasis patient with immunoglobulin and complement C 3 in mineral spring barh of Henan Ruzhou
- 烧伤后血清总补体和旁路途径溶血活性及补体C_3的动态变化 Changes of Serum Complement Hemolytic Activities and C3 Level Following Thermal Injury
- 白细胞补体 leukocytic alexin
- 补体结合 complement fixation
- 补体旁路 complement bypass
- 补体受体 complement receptor
- 补体系统 complement system
- 补体转向 diversion of complement
- 补体纸 complement paper
- 补体系统的进化 Evolution of the complement system
- 补体单位 alexin unit
- 补体滴定 complement titration
- 补体激活 complement activation
- 补体结合反应 complement fixation test (CFT)