- 衣原体抗体IgG chlamydia pneumonia antibody(CP-IgG)
- 肺炎衣原体抗体IgG IgG antibody of chlamydia pneumoniae
- 正常人、急性心肌梗死及高血压患者的行为因素、血脂水平和肺炎衣原体抗体IgG的关系 Relationship of specific antibody chlamydia pneumoniae IgG with behavial factor and level of serum lipid in patients of acute myocardial infarction, hypertension and normal person
- 大多数感染了衣原体的女性没有症状。 Most women infected with chlamydia have no symptoms.
- 泌尿生殖道支原体、衣原体感染检测及药敏试验 Detection of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Caused Urogenital Tract Infection and Their Antibiotic Susceptibility
- IgG型抗体 IgG antibody
- 宫颈管支原体、衣原体感染局部微波治疗效果分析 Analysis on the therapeutic effect of local microwave on cervix tube mycoplasma and chlamydia infection
- 抗体IgG Antibody IgG
- 低亲和力IgG类抗体 low affinity IgG antibody
- EB病毒抗核心抗原抗体IgG EBV anti-nuclear antigen IgG
- 变体 anamorphosis
- EB病毒抗衣壳抗原抗体IgG anti-EBV capsid antigen IgG
- EB病毒抗早期抗原抗体IgG anti-early antigen IgG
- 综合体 syntheses
- 其抗体类别均为IgG ,亚类分别为IgG1和IgG2a . Their Ig class and subclass were determined as IgG1 and IgG2a respectively.
- 破伤风抗体IgG酶联检测试剂盒的研制 Preparation of ELISA Kit of Detection for Tetanus IgG
- 宫颈拭子混合标本PCR法在检测淋球菌和衣原体感染中的应用 Pooling-PCR method of cervical swab specimens for the testing of chlamydial and gonococcal infections
- 配体 ligand
- 重组核衣壳蛋白用于肾综合征出血热病人IgG抗体检测 Detection of Serological serotypes of HantavirusInfections by Recombinant Nucleocapsid Proteinsand Discovery of DOB Serotype in China
- 锥体 cone