- 血清妊娠相关蛋白-A Pregnancy - associated plasma protein - A
- 血清妊娠相关血浆蛋白A与急性冠状动脉综合征的临床相关性 The clinical relevance between the serum level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and degree of acute coronary syndrome
- 孕妇血清妊娠相关血浆蛋白A水平与不良妊娠的关系 Maternal Serum Level of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A and Its Association with Disadvantage Pregnancies
- 相关 interrelated
- 妊娠相关蛋白A PAPP-A
- 相关的 interrelated
- 妊娠相关蛋白 pregnancy-associated plasma protein; PAPP
- 妊娠相关蛋白-A Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A
- 妊娠相关蛋白A(PAPP-A) Pregnancy-Associated Plasma protein A
- 辅助生殖异位妊娠相关因素分析 Analysis of the relative factors for the ectopic pregnancy during the assistant reproduction
- 右-苯丙胺对脑缺血大鼠细胞凋亡和生长相关蛋白43的作用 Effect of D-amphetamine on apoptosis and GAP-43 expression of rat brain cells after focal cerebral ischemia
- 妊娠相关血浆蛋白A PAPP-A; pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A
- 甲状旁腺相关蛋白在鼠胚髁突外植体软骨内成骨中的作用 Influence of PTHrP on endochondral ossification of condylar explant in fetal mouse
- 妊娠相关α血浆蛋白质/分析 pregnancy-associated alpha plasma protein/AN
- M相关蛋白 M-associated protein; MAP
- 每年有50多万妇女死于与妊娠相关的疾病,并有1060万儿童死亡,其中40%死于出生后第一个月。 Each year more than half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes and 10.6 Million children die, 40%25 of them in the first month of life.
- C9相关蛋白 C9-related protein
- 仓鼠妊娠期间瘦素分泌及其与部分妊娠相关激素的关系 Studies on the Relationship Between Leptin Secretion and Several Pregnancy-Related Hormones During Pregnacy in the Golden Hamster
- E6相关蛋白 E6-associated protein(E6-AP)
- GAP相关蛋白 GAP-associated protein