- 螺旋CT扫描 Spiral CT scan
- 多层螺旋CT扫描 CT scan
- 扫描 scan
- 螺旋CT扫描的深部剂量研究 The Study on Depth Dose in Spiral CT Examnation
- 下腔静脉螺旋CT扫描方法初探 The Scanning Techniques of Spiral CT Angiography of Inferior Vena Cava: Early Experience
- 肝细胞癌的双时相螺旋CT扫描 Two phase helical CT of hepatocellular carcinoma
- 胃低张螺旋CT扫描诊断胃癌的价值 Diagnostic Value of Spiral CT Scan with Hypotonicity in Patients with Gastric Cancer
- 胸部螺旋CT扫描技术及临床应用 Technique and Appllcation of Spiral CT in the Chest
- 螺旋CT扫描技术在梗阻性黄疸的临床应用探讨 The technique of the spiral CT scans in the clinical application study of the jaundice block
- 多层螺旋CT同层动态扫描结合MPR技术诊断肝外胆管癌的研究 Multislice CT in-layer dynamic scan combined MPR technique for diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- 螺旋CT增强扫描对进展期胃癌的局部浸润和淋巴结转移的研究 Study of local invasion and metastases of lymph nodes in advanced gastric carcinoma by contrast enhanced spiral CT
- 螺旋CT双期扫描 Dual phase helical CT
- 螺旋CT三期增强扫描 3-phase contrast-enhanced spiral C
- 肝癌的螺旋CT灌注扫描 CT Perfusion scanning of hepatocelluler carcinoma
- 肺部螺旋CT薄层扫描技术 Thin slice spiral CT technique for the lung
- 结节型肝癌的螺旋CT三期扫描 Nodular hepatocellular carcinoma on three phases spiral CT scanning: Emphasis on evaluating the detected rate of the lesions
- 胰腺的单排螺旋CT增强扫描表现 Vivo-morphology investigation: characters of enhanced uncinate process of pancreas with spiral CT
- 胸腹部双螺旋CT扫描与临床应用 Double-Helix CT Scan Of Thoracicoabdominal Diseases And Its Clinical Application
- 螺旋CT改良法扫描半月板技术研究 Research on the Technique of Scannimg Menisci with Spiral CT Improve ment Method
- 双排螺旋CT头颅扫描方式选择探讨 Selection on double detector row helical CT scans mode of the head