- 蜡状菌素D Cerexin D
- 蜡状菌素 D cerexin D
- 蜡状菌素A Cerexin A
- 蜡状菌素C Cerexin C
- 蜡状菌素 cerexin
- 天青菌素D Celesticetin D
- 头孢菌素D Cephalosporin D
- 磷缺乏引起的非丝状菌活性污泥膨胀 Non-filamentous activated sludge bulking caused by the deficiency of phosphorus
- 蜡状芽胞杆菌素 cerecin
- 头孢菌素 cephalosporin
- 链菌生素D Streptovitacin D
- 重金属生物吸附研究中蜡状芽孢杆菌菌体微观形貌的原子力显微镜观察与表征 Application of atomic force microscopy in the characterization of cell morphology of Bacillus Cereus bacteria in the biosorption process of heavy metal ions
- 多粘菌素D PL-D; polymyxin D
- 蜡状芽孢杆菌菌株Jp-A的分离鉴定及其降解苯酚特性 Isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus strain Jp-A and its capability in phenol degradation
- 放线菌素D actinomycin D
- 有凝乳状、蜡状甚至角状等不同纹理的真菌;大部分为腐生菌。 fungi varying from gelatinous to waxy or even horny in texture; most are saprophytic.
- 蛇孢菌素D Ophiobolin D
- 苔状菌素 licheniformin
- 天青菌素 D celesticetin D
- 叶蜡菌素 herbarin