- 蓝本F BF1 crossbred(Belgian Blue × Native)
- 蓝本F1 F1 Crossbreds of Belgian Blue and Native cattle
- 此为F。O。B。横滨实盘,有效期为本地时间星期一收到回电。 We offer firm FOB yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time.
- 蓝本德棉 Blue Bender cotton
- F级 F class
- 最初蓝本 original version
- 双酚F BPF
- 文学蓝本 Literary Blueprint
- F掺杂 F doping
- 测试蓝本 test blueprint
- F-12 F-12
- 乔伊斯:伊芙琳的心理蓝本 Joyce: the Psychological Archetype of Evelyn
- F-集 Fuzzy Set
- 翻译蓝本考证 original edition
- P&F线 P& F line
- 最早定稿蓝本 the original version
- 希力-F XiLi-F
- 蓝本是去年丢失的。 The original version was lost last year.
- 费歇尔F分布 Fisher's F distribution
- 谈大学英语测试蓝本制作 On the Making of the Test Blueprint of College English