- 苏丹黄和偶氮苯混合液薄层色谱的分离实验研究 Separating experiment study of the thin layer chromatography of the mixture of sudan I and azobenzene
- 黄 sulfur
- 苏丹黄G Sudan yellow G
- 橙黄G Acid Orange G; Aurantium G; Crystal Orange GG; Orang GG; Orange G; wool Orange 2G
- 苏丹 Sudan
- 桔黄G orange G
- 超胺黄G supramine yellow G
- 重氮黄G chrysamine G
- 黄页 yellow page
- 苏丹的 Soudanese
- 醇溶黄G spirit yellow G
- 黄钻 Elopichthys bambusa
- 阿曼的苏丹王 the Sultan of Oman
- 飞黄腾达 make a rapid advance in one's career
- 大黄 rhubarb
- 黄酮 flavone
- 黄种人 yellow race
- 黄的 yl.
- 耐晒黄G fight-durable yellow G
- 黄绿 olivine