- 腹部脏器损伤的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of Abdominal Visceral Injury
- 腹部脏器损伤的超声诊断 Ultrasound diagnosis in trauma of the abdomen organs
- 本文对138例腹部脏器损伤进行超声诊断并与手术诊断进行对照分析。 In this article, 138 cases of emergency abdominal organ rupture were analysed and compared with operation diagnosis.
- 腹部脏器损伤 Abdominal ccliac trauma
- 眼球损伤的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis in Trauma of Eyeball
- 骨盆骨折合并腹部脏器损伤142例临床分析 Clinical analysis of pelvic fractures associated with abdominal organ injuries on 142 cases
- 诊断 diagnosis
- 钝性脾损伤的CT诊断 CT diagnosis in blunt splenic trauma
- 腹部脏器 Abdominal visceral
- 肾前筋膜增厚的CT表现对鉴别诊断胰腺炎与胰腺癌的价值 The value of prerenal fascial thickening in CT for differential diagnosis of pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma
- CT诊断胸膜外脂肪侵犯的敏感性是87.1%,特异性是70.6%,准确度是81.2%。 The sensitivity of CT diagnosis for EPF involvement was 87.1%25,specificity was 70.6%25,and accuracy was 81.2%25.
- 黄连总碱对乙醇致大鼠胃粘膜损伤的保护作用及其机制研究 Effects and mechanism of total alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis on ethanol-induced gastric lesion in rats
- 间皮瘤是一种癌症的细胞,弥补衬砌周围以外的肺部内的肋骨(胸膜),或周围腹部脏器(腹膜)。 Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining around the outside of the lungs and inside of the ribs (pleura), or around the abdominal organs (peritoneum).
- 皮层下动脉硬化性脑病的CT诊断与临床分析(附86例报告) CT Diagnosis and Clinical Analysis of Bingswanger'Diseases (Report of 86 Cases)
- 川芎嗪对缺氧缺糖损伤的血管内皮细胞周期和前列环素的影响 Effect of Ligustrazine on Cell Cycle and Prostacyclin of Injured Vascular Endothelial Cells Induced by Hypoxia and Lack of Glucose
- 钝性胸部伤致ARDS和肺外脏器损伤机制 Pathogenesis of ARDS complicated with extra pulmonary organ injury caused by blunt chest trauma
- 鳃裂囊肿的CT诊断 Diagnosis of branchial cleft cyst with CT
- 单一脏器损伤占71.9%(23/32),脾破裂居各脏器损伤之首. The results was that single viscus trauma occurred in 71.9%25 (23/32) , and splenic rupture was above all the trauma.
- 电子束CT诊断婴幼儿先天性心脏病并与超声心动图及手术对照 Electronic bean CT diagnosis of infant congenital heart disease with the comparison of echocardiogram and operation
- 精制清开灵注射液对内毒素致大鼠多脏器损伤保护作用的研究 Experimental Study of the Protecting Effect of Injection of Refined Qing Kai Ling on the Damnify of Rat Viscera Induced by Endotoxin