- 脂微球化前列腺素E1 Lipo-prostagrandin E1
- 脂微球载体前列腺素E1 Lipo -PGE1
- 前列腺素E1脂微球载体制剂 Lipo Prostagladin El
- 前列腺素E1脂微球载体注射液 Li po-prostagladin E1 injection
- 脂微球前列腺素E1 Lipo-prostaglanclin El
- 微球化作用 microspheroidization
- 矮化 stunt
- 脂微球前列腺素E1注射液 Liposomal prostaglandin El
- 地卡因对前列腺素E1所致静脉炎的预防作用 Tetracaine Preventing Phlebitis Caused by Intravenous Infusion of Prostaglandin E-1: Clinical and Experimental Study
- 糖脂化 glucuronidation
- 她尽力把球投得远一些。 She pitched the ball as far as she could.
- 他获得奖学金的希望甚微。 His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim.
- 小女孩把球抛向空中。 The little girl tossed her ball in the air.
- 阿波霉素 albomycin
- 硫酸化脂族醇 sulfated fatty alcohol
- 足球击中球门柱弹了出去。 The football bounced off the goalpost.
- 他把球从我手里抢走了。 He snatched the ball out of my hand.
- 他迅速把球传给了另一名球员。 He quickly threw the ball to another player.
- 超氧化物岐化酶脂质体 Superoxide dismutase liposome
- 产生一种前列腺素 to produce a prostaglandin