- 胸部X线片示肺纹理增厚,左下肺心缘可见片状模糊阴影。 X-ray film of the chest showed increased lung markings with a patch of hazy shadow in the left lower lung near the heart Border.
- 急性高原肺水肿116例胸部X线片分析 Analysis of 116 X-ray slices of acute high-altitude pulmonary edema
- 胸部X线片 C-XF; chest x-ray film; CXR
- 方法 本组病例根据病史、体征 ,结合胸部X线及超声心动图等确立诊断。 Methods Diagnosis was made with evaluation of case history, clinical manifestations, chest X ray films and echocardiography.
- 双向胸部X线片 biplane chest film
- SARS的胸部X线表现及动态观察 X-ray appearances and dynamic changes of the chest in SARS
- X线片 actinogram; actinograph; radiogram; roentgenograph; shadowgram, shadowgraph; skiagraph; skotogram; skotograph; x-gram; X-ray picture; X-ray plate
- 肺结核合并军团菌肺炎在临床上不具有特征性,临床表现各异,胸部X线形态多种多样; The clinical and chest X?ray manifestations varied, and no characteristics were found in these cases.
- 腺X线片 adenogram
- 儿童肾性水肿胸部X线表现分析 The Analysis of Chest X-ray Findings with Renal Edema in Children
- 牙X线片 dental radiograph; dental roentgenogram; dental roentgenograph; odontoradiograph
- 胸部X线改善在数月后出现。 Diffuse small nodular lesions on chest X ray or CT decreased in size within a few months.
- 脾X线片 splenogram
- 50例肺泡癌的胸部X线和CT分析 A Clinical Roentgenogram amd CT Analysis 50 Cases of Bronchioloalveloar Carcinoma
- X线片夹 X-ray mount
- 本文总结了101例肺螨病患者的临床表现、胸部X线特征及用甲硝达唑治疗结果。 The purpose of the study is to characterise 101 cases of pulmonary acariasis patients.
- 肺X线片 pneumonograph
- 艾滋病的胸部X线表现(附20例报告) Chest X-ray Manifestation of AIDS (A Report of 20 Cases)
- 肝X线片 hepatogram
- 胸部X线平片 chest X-ray plain film