- 背面反射X射线照相机 back reflection X-ray camera
- 高分辨率多重晶多重反射X射线衍射 high-resolution multi-crystal multi-reflection X-ray diffraction (HRMCMRXD)
- 官员们做好了迎接公愤的准备,因其颇具争议的X射线照相机计划引起了轩然大波。 OFFICIALS are bracing themselves for a storm of public outrage over their controversial X-ray cameras scheme.
- 背面 the back
- 照相机 camera
- 官员们做好了迎接公愤的准备,因其颇具争议的X射线照相机计划引起了轩然大波。 OFFICIALS are bracing themselves for a storm of public outrage over their controversial X-ray cameras scheme.
- 背面的 rear
- x射线衍射显微术 x ray diffraction microscopy
- 在背面 overleaf
- 她把照相机对准笼子里的熊猫。 She trained her camera on the caged panda.
- 这枪能发出看不见的射线。 The gun can fire invisible rays.
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。 We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。 This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.
- 他把照相机卖给了我。 He sold me his camera.
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。 I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- γ射线 γ-ray
- 这架照相机值多少钱? How much does the camera cost?
- 那架照相机真是顶呱呱。 That camera is a honey.
- 空间X射线星图 x-ray sky