- 原发性十二指肠胃反流与胃内pH值和胆红素吸收值的相关临床研究 Clinical study on primary duodenal-gastric reflux with intragatr ic pH value and bilirubin absorbance
- 胃内pH值 Intragastric pH
- 胃内pH gastric pH
- 内 internal
- 生大黄粉对急性脑出血昏迷患者胃内pH值影响的临床研究 A Study on the Influence of Rhubarb Powder on Stomach pH in Comatose Patient due to Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage
- 值 value
- 健康青年人24h胃内pH和胆汁反流同步监测 Synchronous 24-hour Intragastric pH and Bile Reflux Monitoring in Young Healthy Subjects
- 保卫细胞液泡内pH调节的可逆解聚聚合颗粒物性质初探 Study on the property of granules that reversible disaggregate regulated by pH in guard cell vacuoles
- 机械通气患者胃液SIgA含量、pH值与胃内细菌定植的关系 Study on relationship between SIgA level, pH value of gastric fluid and bacterial colonization in stomach in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
- 热带假丝酵母细胞内pH的测定及其与生长代谢活性的关系 Measurement of Intracellular pH in Long-chain Dicarboxylic Acid-producing Yeast Candida tropicalis and Its Growth Activity
- 胃黏膜pH值 Gastric intramueosal pH
- 胃内 i.g.
- 目的 :探讨Na+ /H+ 交换器 - 1(NHE - 1)、细胞内pH对肺动脉平滑肌细胞增殖和凋亡的作用。 AIM: To evaluate the role of Na +/H + exchanger-1(NHE-1)in the proliferation and apoptosis of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells in rats.
- 接种不同的瘤胃液与缓冲液比例对短期人工瘤胃发酵产气量及pH值的影响 Effect of Rumen Fluid-buffer Ratio on Gas Production and pH in Short-term Rumen Simulation Technique
- 胃内插管 gastric intubation
- 胃内压 IGP; intragastric pressure
- 渗透性休克:豚鼠灌注心脏的收缩功能调节、细胞内pH值与缺血损伤 Osmotic shock: modulation of contractile function, pH i, and ischemic damage in perfused guinea pig heart
- 胃内的 entogastric
- 大手术后危重病人连续监测胃粘膜pH值的临床研究 The clinical study of continuous monitoring of pH value in gastric mucosa for postoperative critical ill patients
- 胃内残渣 [医] gastric residuum