- 肺表面活性物质(PS) Pulmonary surfactant (PS)
- 目的探讨肺表面活性物质(PS)对支气管肺发育不良(BPD)的预防和治疗意义。 Objective The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic effect of pulmonary surfactant (PS) on the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in premature infants.
- 肺表面活性物质与机械通气联合治疗肺透明膜病的疗效评价 Combination of pulmonary surfactant and mechanical ventilation to treat new-born infants hyaline membrane disease
- 低浓度内皮素-1对活性氧抑制肺表面活性物质脂质合成的保护 Protective effect of low concentration endothelin-1 on the reactive oxygen-induced inhibition of pulmonary surfactant lipid synthesis
- 肺表面活性物质不同应用方式对家兔急性肺损伤气体交换的影响 Efficacy of Different Administrations of Pulmonary Surfactant on Pulmonary Gas Exchange after Acute Lung Injury in Rabbits
- 肺泡表面活性物质在吸入性全身麻醉中防御功能的研究进展 Defensive function of pulmonary surfactants in inhalant anesthesia
- 宫内急性缺血缺氧对新生大鼠肺表面活性蛋白A和B表达的影响 Effect of intrauterine acute ischemic-hypoxia on the expression of lung SP-A and SP-B in neonatal rats
- 肺表面活性剂 lung surfactant
- 肺表面活性物质 pulmonary surfactant
- 肺表面活性蛋白A Pulmonary surfactant protein A
- 表面活性物质蛋白B SP-B
- 猪肺表面活性剂 Porcine pulmonary surfactants
- 表面活性物质缺乏症 surfactant deficiency disease
- 肺表面活性蛋白D Pulmonary surfactant protein D
- 微生物表面活性物质 microbial surfactant
- 肺表面活性蛋白-B surfactant protein-B
- ALR中表面活性物质对氧气液传质影响 Influence of surface active additives on gas-liquid mass transfer of oxygen in ALR
- 肺表面活性剂/代谢 pulmonary surfactants/metabolism
- 肺泡表面活性物质蛋白 surfactant associated protein
- 注射用牛肺表面活性剂 Calf pulmonary surfactant for injection