- 肝素酶I heparinase I
- 通过实验,测定了肝素酶I的主要理化性质。 The main physico-chemical properties of heparinase I are clear by experiments.
- 人肝素酶 heparanase
- 肝素酶Ⅰ heparinase Ⅰ
- 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(辅酶I,NADH) nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)
- 鼠肝素酶 mouse heparanase
- 整合酶I Integion I
- 酶的 enzymatic
- 乙酰肝素酶2 Heparanase-2
- 辅酶 coenzyme
- 二肽肽酶I dipeptidyl peptidase I
- 酶解 zymohydrolysis
- 过氧化氢酶 catalase
- 纤维素酶 cellulase
- 肝素酶抑制剂 heparanase inhibitor
- 酶活性 enzyme activity
- 酶学 enzymology
- 碱性磷酸酶 alkaline phosphatase
- 溶菌酶 muramidase
- 胰酶 trypsogen